Web Scraping Services

Outsource your web scraping needs to our expert team for efficient and accurate data extraction. As a leading outsourcing company, we offer the best web scraping services and solutions ensuring accurate website data extraction tailored to your requirements.

Scrape all kinds of information you need. Now →


Years of Experience


FTEs across Geographies


Data Security


Accuracy Achieved


Standardized and Trusted Data



Web Scraping Success Stories

Case Study
Real Estate Property Data Collection for UK Based Company

Real Estate Property Data Collection for UK Based Company

Property data research, collection and compilation of sales & ownership, real estate listings, commercial real estate listings, foreclosure listings, craigslist real estate and many more.

Real Estate – MLS Company, UK

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Comprehensive Web Scraping Solutions from a Trusted Outsourcing Company

As an outsourcing company, we offer comprehensive web scraping services designed to meet your unique data needs.

Our expertise in data extraction ensures accurate retrieval of information from websites, regardless of their complexity. We specialize in developing custom scraping solutions tailored to your requirements, efficiently navigating dynamic content.

Our team overcomes anti-scraping measures for uninterrupted data extraction. We clean and process data, delivering it in your desired format (CSV, JSON, XML, etc.) for seamless system integration. We ensure compliance with terms of service and data privacy laws, providing peace of mind.

Our USP is automated data extraction for scalable and efficient web scaping. We set up automated routines for regular data updates, saving you time and resources. Count on us for accurate, timely data delivery with unwavering quality and consistency.

Outsource your web scraping to us for ongoing support and optimized scripts that adapt to website changes, ensuring reliable web scraping performance.

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extracting data from millions of pages

Comprehensive Web Scraping Solutions Tailored for Diverse Industries

Streamline your data extraction with our expert web scraping services, tailored to handle complex sites, ensure compliance, and deliver high-quality, structured data efficiently.

  • Data extraction from variety of websites
  • Product information and pricing data scraping
  • Scraping product listings and product reviews
  • Scraping social media posts
  • Data extraction of financial data
  • Scraping property listings from real estate marketplaces
  • Scraping property information and potentials leads
  • Web scraping to collect medical data
  • Data extraction from competitors websites
  • Data extraction from travel websites
  • Web data extraction from business directories

Benefits of our Customized Web Scraping Services

Expertise and Advanced Tools:

With our specialized knowledge and advanced tools, we ensure efficient and accurate data extraction, overcoming technical complexities and anti-scraping measures seamlessly.

Cost-Effective Solutions:

By partnering with us, you avoid the high costs of developing and maintaining in-house scraping infrastructure, allowing you to allocate resources more effectively and save on operational expenses.


We offer scalable web scraping solutions to meet your growing data needs, whether you require data from a few websites or thousands. Our services adapt to your demands without compromising performance.

Time Savings:

Let us handle the time-consuming tasks of developing and maintaining web scraping solutions. This allows you to focus on your core business activities while we deliver timely and reliable data.

What People Say After Using Our Web Scraping Services

We are extremely satisfied with the web scraping services provided by HabileData. Their expertise in gathering real estate data has been invaluable to my business. They deliver accurate and timely results, exceeding my expectations every time.

Real estate company USA

Web Scraping Services FAQs

Why should I use web scraping services?

There are multiple reasons to use automated data extraction- the most important one being able to gather large amounts of information in a short period. High efficiency, time and cost savings, scalability, accuracy, and customization are some of the other reasons that you should choose outsourcing data extraction services to get a competitive edge. Choosing the right partner for data extraction is also an important factor to be considered.

What types of websites can be scraped?

Depending on the specific needs and requirements of your company, the common types of websites that can be scraped are ecommerce, social media platforms, news and travel, job, real estate, online directories, forums and discussion boards. Data can be also be extracted from product, market research, government, entertainment and auction websites and business directories.

How does HabileData perform web scraping?

Our process is typically divided in stages like requirement analysis, website exploration, development of web scraping scripts, data extraction methods, data cleaning and transformation, data delivery and ongoing support and maintenance.

Can you scrape websites that require login credentials?

Yes, we can easily scrape websites that require login credentials. We implement an authentication mechanism in a scraping script, ensure to have the necessary permissions to access the data and handle challenges like session timeouts or maintaining an authenticated state throughout the scraping process.

Is web scraping legal?

Apparently, data extraction is considered illegal only when non publicly available information is used. Extraction of publicly available data is performed within legal and fair limits at HabileData. We follow strict and stringent rules and adhere seamlessly with all regulations and compliances.

How do you ensure data quality and accuracy?

The data experts at HabileData perform a thorough examination of target websites for developing an efficient and accurate web scraping strategy, customized scraping scripts, incorporating error handling and monitoring approaches and validating and cleansing the data. We also ensure to involve manual spot checks and automated data validation techniques.

Can you handle large-scale web scraping projects?

Yes, we are fully equipped to efficiently and execute large-scale projects. With a scalable infrastructure, right expertise and experience, we can optimize to extract data from multiple websites or pages concurrently while reducing the overall project duration.

How do I get started with HabileData's web scraping services?

You can get in touch our web scraping services professionals by filling up the form on Contact Us page. Alternatively, you can send us a quick email at info@habiledata.com and we will get in touch with you soonest.

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