Polygon Annotation Services

We offer high-quality polygon annotation services to improve model accuracy, time to market, and reduce overhead for your AI computer vision projects. Outsource polygon annotation to us for custom, information-rich, and accurate training data for your AI and ML projects.

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First-Time Approval Rates


Adherence to Project Timelines


Skilled Data Annotators


Human in the Loop Validation


Projects Completed


Faster Turn-around Time

Polygon Annotation Success Stories

Case Study
Annotating text from news articles to enhance the performance of an AI model

Text Annotation of News Articles for German Construction Tech Company

Capture, validate and verify information on upcoming or existing construction projects from multi-lingual and multi-format online publications across Europe and USA.

Construction Technology Company, Germany

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Case Study
Annotation of live video streams for traffic management and road planning

Annotation of live video streams for traffic management and road planning

Annotating pre-recorded and live video stream of vehicles provided training data for machine learning models for a California based data analytics company helped managing traffic efficiently.

An Integrated Data Analytics Company, USA

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Case Study
Image annotation for swiss food waste assessment solution provider

Image annotation for swiss food waste assessment solution provider

The food images to be labelled and categorized so that the client could use them as training data for accurate interpretation of visual data through data annotation.

Food Waste Assessment Solution Provider, Switzerland

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Outsource your polygon annotation needs to improve AI/ML computer vision

AI and ML companies struggle to provide accurately drawn polygons and consistent labels in the training datasets of their computer vision models.

Our precision-based human-in-the-loop approach for polygon annotations enable your models to identify, classify, detect, and track objects without flaw. At HabileData we understand the seriousness of complex object annotation and offer the most reliable team and infrastructure.

Our services include object detection and classification, image segmentation (including instance segmentation), 3D modelling/AR annotation, and video markup to power your AI/ML projects. We provide quantifiable accuracy metrics (like IoU) and use a multi-tier review system to ensure your training data drives optimal model performance.

When you choose us for polygon annotation, you are assured of boosting model accuracy, accelerating development, and maintaining data security. We'll work with you to understand your workflow and customize our tools as needed to make your AI project a success. Let’s start with a pilot project.

Hire our data annotation specialists →
Outsource your polygon annotation needs to improve AI/ML computer vision

Benefits of Outsourcing Polygon Annotation Services

Highest Accuracy

Trained annotators, verifiable metrics, transparent quality control.

Domain Expertise

Experts in satellite imagery, medical imaging, autonomous vehicles.


Track record of delivering high-volume projects within timelines.

Security and Compliance

Security protocols, industry-standard certifications, and NDAs.


Pricing structures tailored to your budget and project.

Polygon Annotation for Wide Range of Industries

Medical Medical
Geospatial Geospatial
Financial Financial
Autonomous Vehicles Autonomous Vehicles
Retail Retail
AI & ML Companies AI & ML Companies
Robotics Robotics
Information Technology Information Technology

Polygon Annotation FAQs

What types of data can be annotated with polygons?

We proficiently annotate a spectrum of data with polygons, including medical scans, satellite imagery, aerial photos, and more, to cater to a broad range of AI applications.

What software tools are used in your polygon annotation services?

Our team uses state-of-the-art software specifically designed for precise and efficient polygon annotation, ensuring high-quality outputs.

How is accuracy ensured in polygon annotations?

Accuracy is paramount in our services, achieved through stringent quality controls, multiple verification layers, and constant updates to our annotation methodologies.

What pricing models do you offer for polygon annotation services?

We provide competitive, project-specific pricing models that cater to the scope, complexity, and specific requirements of your project for optimal cost efficiency.

Are you looking for best-in-class Polygon annotation services?

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