Image Annotation and Labeling Services

Inaccurate image annotation can lead to flawed AI training, hinder computer vision models and weaken data quality, affecting business insights and outcomes. With HabileData’s image annotation and labeling services, you can achieve higher accuracy in computer vision applications or AI models, streamline operations and elevate data quality.

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Years of Experience


Image Annotation Experts


Image Labeling Acccuracy


Human in the Loop Validation


Projects Completed


Faster Turn-around Time

Image Annotation Success Stories

Case Study
Image annotation for swiss food waste assessment solution provider

Image annotation for swiss food waste assessment solution provider

The food images to be labelled and categorized so that the client could use them as training data for accurate interpretation of visual data through data annotation.

Food Waste Assessment Solution Provider, Switzerland

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Unleash Visual Insights with Our Premium Image Annotation Services

AI and ML companies struggle with image annotation, facing issues like accuracy, scalability, cost, data diversity, domain expertise, security, compliance, deadlines, and evolving technologies.

We, at HabileData, as a leading image annotation company from India, have over a decade of experience to address these challenges. Our team of over 300 skilled annotators processes 2D and 3D images with precision and speed.

We offer a range of bespoke annotation solutions, such as bounding boxes, polygon annotations, keypoints, LiDAR, semantic segmentation, and image classification. Out solutions are tailored to support computer vision models for industries spanning autonomous technology, medical AI, commerce, geospatial, finance, and many more.

Our commitment to delivering secure, confidential, and scalable services is underscored by enterprise-level security measures, including on-site staffing and ISO-certified facilities, ensuring data protection and compliance for sensitive projects.

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Unleash Visual Insights with Our Premium Image Annotation Services

Benefits of Outsourcing Image Annotation

Cost Efficiency

Reduce recruitment, training, and salary expenses.

Access to Expertise

Precise labeling ensures high-quality training data.


Scale annotation projects to enhance market responsiveness.

Speed and Efficiency

Experts reduce the time to market for AI applications.

Quality and Accuracy

Advanced tools for high-quality image annotations.

Data Security

Adhere to strict protocols to protect sensitive information.

Round-the-Clock Production

Operate in different time zones continuous work cycles.

Image Labeling Services for Wide Range of Industries

We annote and label variety of images across industry verticals

Medical Medical
Geospatial Geospatial
Financial Financial
Autonomous Vehicles Autonomous Vehicles
Retail Retail
AI & ML Companies AI & ML Companies
Robotics Robotics
Information Technology Information Technology

Image Annotation Services FAQs

What is image annotation and why is it important?

The process to label or tag images using text or annotation tools is known as image annotation. It is like adding a metadata or sub-text to a dataset. Such annotated image databases are used to train machine learning models to recognize objects and boundaries. Image annotation helps to power computer vision models with end-to-end pixeled images to allow automated segmentation and classification of objects.

What types of image annotation services does HabileData offer?

HabileData offers end-to-end image annotation services like image recognition and classification, object detection, semantic segmentation, boundary recognition, 2D bounding boxes, facial recognition, lines and spines, polygons and geo-spatial annotation.

How does HabileData ensure data accuracy and quality in image annotation?

HabileData experts ensure optimum accuracy and quality in image annotation by setting stringent benchmarks, adherence to pre-defined quality metrics and automated and manual auditing methods. We deliver at a rate of 99.5% accuracy.

Can HabileData handle large-scale image annotation projects?

Yes, we currently manage image annotation for 10,000+ images in a day. We are adequately staffed to ramp up our capacity in matter of hours too.

How does HabileData handle sensitive or confidential images during annotation?

We manage sensitive or confidential images with non-disclosure agreements, state-of-the-art technology infrastructure, multiple level of data classification and user-based control access among our personnel.

Can HabileData handle customized annotation requirements?

With required classifications, customized attributes, hierarchical relationships, and relevant labels, HabileData seamlessly manages customization requirements.

How can businesses get started with HabileData's image annotation services?

You can contact us through Contact us page and our sales team will connect with you soonest. Alternatively, you can send a quick email to to get started with our image annotation services.

Looking for customized image labeling solution?

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