3D Point Cloud Annotation

We annotate LiDAR or 3D point cloud data, labeling objects with 3D bounding boxes, segmenting point clouds, and classifying objects and lanes to create accurate training datasets for AI and machine learning models.

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Years of Experience


Data Annotation Experts


Data Labeling Acccuracy


Human in the Loop Validation


Projects Completed


Faster Turn-around Time

3D Point Cloud Annotation Success Stories

Case Study
Annotating text from news articles to enhance the performance of an AI model

Text Annotation of News Articles for German Construction Tech Company

Capture, validate and verify information on upcoming or existing construction projects from multi-lingual and multi-format online publications across Europe and USA.

Construction Technology Company, Germany

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Case Study
Annotation of live video streams for traffic management and road planning

Annotation of live video streams for traffic management and road planning

Annotating pre-recorded and live video stream of vehicles provided training data for machine learning models for a California based data analytics company helped managing traffic efficiently.

An Integrated Data Analytics Company, USA

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Case Study
Image annotation for swiss food waste assessment solution provider

Image annotation for swiss food waste assessment solution provider

The food images to be labelled and categorized so that the client could use them as training data for accurate interpretation of visual data through data annotation.

Food Waste Assessment Solution Provider, Switzerland

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Outsource 3D Point Cloud Annotation for LiDAR, Segmentation, and Classification

Conducting 3D point cloud annotation poses challenges like time constraints, in-house expertise limitations, the need for accuracy and the complexities of handling massive LiDAR data.

Our 3D point cloud annotation services address all these pain points. At HabileData, we accurately label objects within LiDAR data, creating precise 3D bounding boxes for optimal object detection. We go beyond simple labelling with semantic segmentation, enabling a deeper understanding of point cloud scenes. Our expertise in lane detection ensures precise road mapping for your autonomous applications.

We offer custom point cloud annotation services that address your unique requirement to annotate LiDAR data from all major LiDAR systems.

Outsource 3d point cloud annotation to us for accurate object annotation at competitive pricing, scalable infrastructure to handle large-scale projects, and stringent quality control processes to ensure consistency and precision. We prioritize data security, safeguarding your valuable information.

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Outsource 3D Point Cloud Annotation for LiDAR, Segmentation, and Classification

Benefits of Outsourcing 3D Point Cloud Annotation

Precise Object Detection

Label objects in LiDAR data for object detection models.

Advanced Semantic Segmentation

Classify points for models to grasp scene and environment.

Enhanced Classification

Categorize objects to help AI distinguish vehicles and pedestrians.

Faster Model Training

Annotation workflow that fit project requirements, scale, and quality.

Complete Data Security

Stringent security protocols for confidential through creation and delivery.

3D Point Cloud Annotation for Wide Range of Industries

Medical Medical
Geospatial Geospatial
Financial Financial
Autonomous Vehicles Autonomous Vehicles
Retail Retail
AI & ML Companies AI & ML Companies
Robotics Robotics
Information Technology Information Technology

3D Point Cloud Annotation FAQs

What types of point cloud data can you annotate? (LiDAR, RADAR, etc.)

Our services extend to annotating various types of point cloud data, including those generated by LiDAR, RADAR, photogrammetry, and stereo vision technologies. Whether it’s aerial surveys, automotive sensors, or architectural modeling, our expertise ensures comprehensive coverage across different industries and applications. Our adaptable approach allows us to handle data with varying resolutions and complexities, making us a versatile partner for your point cloud annotation needs.

What software do you use for 3D point cloud annotation?

We leverage a suite of advanced software tools for 3D point cloud annotation, including industry-standard platforms like CloudCompare, MeshLab, and proprietary software developed in-house for specific annotation tasks. This blend of technology enables us to deliver precise annotations efficiently. By staying at the forefront of software advancements, we ensure our capabilities meet the high standards required for diverse 3D annotation projects.

How do you ensure the accuracy of point cloud annotations?

Accuracy in point cloud annotations is paramount, and we achieve this through a combination of skilled annotators, rigorous quality control processes, and cutting-edge machine learning algorithms. Our annotators are trained in spatial analysis and object recognition, ensuring a deep understanding of 3D data. Additionally, our multi-tier quality checks and validation by subject matter experts guarantee that the annotations meet and exceed industry accuracy standards.

What is the pricing for 3D point cloud annotation?

Pricing for 3D point cloud annotation is tailored to the specifics of each project, considering factors like data complexity, volume, required accuracy levels, and turnaround time. We offer competitive pricing models that can include per-point, per-hour, or per-project rates, depending on your needs. For a precise quote, we recommend discussing your project requirements with us directly, allowing us to provide a solution that fits your budget and goals.

Are you looking for best-in-class 3D point cloud data annotation services?

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